Saturday, December 7, 2013

the blind faith......

 Why finding out the meaning of faith?Finding out why should we believe?Many Christians when asked by unbelievers why they should believe anything The Bible says, the most common response is “Just have faith!” And this “just have faith” line is pretty much the answer to every single objection one could possibly raise against the Christian. Far too often people are turned away because of intellectual doubts that plague them. “If God is all loving and all powerful, why does He let so much suffering go on in the world?” “How could a loving God send people to an eternal Hell?” “How do I know Yahweh is the one true God instead of these thousands of other gods in these other religions that contradict Christianity? How do I know The Bible is true and not The Koran or the Hindu Scriptures?” And when a Christian or a pastor responds with “Just have faith” that translates in the mind of the unbeliever as “in order to be a Christian, you need to commit intellectual suicide.” This blind faith approach is so, so, so very unbiblical. Many places in The Bible command us to tell others WHY Christianity is true.
Finding out what the Bible says about faith is very important. Why? A few reasons come to mind:  Knowing the true meaning of faith and the true faith First, faith is often defined in a number of different and conflicting ways by religious persons. If we want to know how God defines faith we will have to go to the Bible. God's definition of faith takes precedence over man's definition of faith. For sure there are all kinds of faith in the world -- even the demons have faith (James 2:19) -- but only one faith is true. If we want to have true faith (2 Timothy 1:5), we will have to let God tell us what true faith is?
Pleasing GodFaith is necessary to please God (Hebrews 11:6). If we want to please God we need to know about the faith that pleases God.
SalvationFaith is necessary for salvation (Ephesians 2:8). If we want to be saved we need to know about the faith that saves. Fifth, there are many people who do not have faith (John 6:64) -- at one point even Jesus' own family did not believe in Him (John 7:5) -- and God destroys people who do not have faith (Jude 5). If we don't want God to destroy us, if we don't want to die in our sins (John 8:24), we must believe. Finally, there are those who have faith but they are letting their faith slip away (2 Timothy 2:18). If we don't want evil forces to overthrow our faith we need to know how to keep our faith strong.

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